Ways to Support Us
Protect The Faith is a 501(c)(3) ministry dedicated to stand on the wall (Neh. 4:14) and help keep people safe at a time and location where they should be the safest.
There are three ways to aid our ministry: Prayer, Service, and Support.
We believe in the power of the prayers of believers and ask you to join us in praying into the mission of Protect The Faith. When you join our prayer team, you will receive a welcome email giving you an overview of how best to pray for us as well as quarterly updates on where we are asking for direct prayer. We thank you for joining us in standing the wall spiritually while we are physically on the wall.
The hands-on portion of our mission is only for the select few. We recognize that not everyone will want to join us on our physical mission, but we invite and encourage anyone who feels called to serve alongside us on the wall to send us a message and we will get back to you.
The most directly impactful part of supporting our mission is help us fund it. As a 501(c)(3) organization, it is people like you, giving out of their overflow that allow us to continue serving our community and the global church at large. We ask that you consider adding Protect The Faith as a mission agency you financially support. Donations can be made through The Columbus Foundation's Giving Store.
Protect The Faith is a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
The hostility toward The Church is continually increasing and coupled with the anxiety over socio-political tensions, churchgoers find themselves more vulnerable than any time in recent history. Your generosity helps provide for Protect the Faith’s expenses, as well as supporting Security Missionaries as they train security teams, serve at summer camps, and go on mission trips to provide a specialized layer of security. Many people are kept safe when they serve and worship because of your generosity.